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Waterproof Bags

Waterproof Dry-Bags to Keep Your Gear Dry!

This DRI® line of products was born out of simple necessity!  We were traveling with our young children to Florida and had a connecting flight out of Charlotte and as we waited at the gate for our next flight we could see our luggage sitting on 'luggage trolley' on the tarmac waiting for our plane to arrive. To the amusement of our two children they found/saw our bags on the top of the pile.  This was all cute until thunderheads started rolling in and the sky opened!  The ensuing downpour was in and out in several minutes, but needless to say all of our luggage - and a lot of the clothing inside - was soaked!

Being that our background was the 'cut and sew' business, we began looking into options that would prevent this from happening again.  The vast majority of the "waterproof" duffels on the market - even from some really large brands - still used 'sewn' seams. 

We have always tried to create products that are better than what is currently offered.  We believe most products can somehow be made a little better.  Because of this, we really thought it was counter-intuitive, and even illogical, to use 'sewn seams' on a product you were claiming to be waterproof.  When you consider what a 'sewn seam' actually is - a needle going in-and-out of fabric over and over, actually making holes - you realize that there's no way a bag with hundreds of tiny holes in it can be waterproof!  Why put holes in something you want to keep water out of...?

Our DRI bags use a form of manufacturing called 'welded-seam' technology.  The material is cut into patterns - like traditional manufacturing - but then the patterns are literally welded together a using high-frequency process.  This process creates a truly waterproof bag! 

Depending on the style of the bag - such as the duffel bags - we do use some stitching for the zipper area, but all of our zippers are covered by a 'storm' flap to keep water offer.  You literally could put this duffel in a river, up to the zipper, and no water would be penetrating!  The bag would float.

Our roll-top style bags do not use zippers.  These gear bags have extra material that is rolled and then cinched in place with buckles to keep water out.

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